November 13, 2019
Air pollution nanoparticles linked to brain cancer for first time

SOCAAR’s Prof. Marianne Hatzopoulou (CivE) and Keith Van Ryswyk (PhD student) collaborated with researchers across Canada and found that a one-year increase in pollution exposure of 10,000 nanoparticles per cubic centimetre – the approximate difference between quiet and busy city streets – increased the risk of brain cancer by more than 10%.
October 30 – November 5, 2019
Greg Evans talks about SOCAAR’s study on air quality near major urban roadways

SOCAAR, in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and Metro Vancouver conducted a two-year study into traffic-related pollutant concentrations near major roadways to evaluate the potential impacts on Canadians.
(The Globe and Mail) (Toronto Star) (CBC TV: The National) (CBC News Network) (CBC Radio) (CBC News Online) (AAAS) (Q107) (Environmental News Network) (Tricity News) (Global News) (blogTO) (Truck News) (CBC The National) (CTV News Channel–Power Play) (Newstalk 1290 CJBK London) (CBC Online–Quirks and Quarks) (kamloopsmatters) (CBC-Radio Toronto) (CJNI-FM – Halifax) (CHQR – Calgary) (The Trucking Network) (Vancouver Courier)
October 7, 2019
Catching up with Scott Allan Orr (ChemE 1T4)

Dr. Scott Allan Orr is profiled in CHEM ENG NEWS for his research to support conservation, access, interpretation, management, and engagement with heritage. Dr. Orr is an alumni of the Evans Research Group where he was a summer research assistant and completed his fourth year thesis.
May 16, 2019
SOCAAR teams up with the City of Oshawa on air quality and traffic monitoring project

SOCAAR is teaming up with the City of Oshawa to launch a one-year TeachingCity research study that will monitor air quality and traffic movements in Oshawa’s downtown core.
February 17, 2019

Profs. Greg Evans and Marianne Hatzopoulou talk to David Suzuki on The Nature of Things about their air quality research, measuring urban air pollution using a mobile lab in a cube van and portable air monitors.
February 10, 2019
Trucks are raining soot on Clark Dr. – and it’s cost this Vancouver man his vegetable garden

Prof. Greg Evans co-authored a new study that found Vancouver’s Clark Drive has similar levels of roadside pollution as Toronto’s HWY 401. Clark Drive has 10x fewer traffic than the 401 but the high number of older transport trucks accessing the Port of Vancouver along Clark Drive results in roughly the same levels of pollution measured at the roadside.