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Covid Stuff

  • Covid is airborne!!! The data is unequivocal on this. For more, see this review in Science.
  • Simple model to demonstrate the effectiveness of ventilation, air filtration, and masks. This was given as an example to CHE208, a 2nd-year Chem Eng course on Process Engineering. The main takeaway is that N95-style masks can be quickly estimated to be ~250x more effective than surgical-style masks. (Note: the model is highly simplified, and I’m not an expert. But the model is still quite illustrative. Consider following experts such as Professors Linsey Marr and Kim Prather)
  • Building a Corsi-Rosenthal Box (below image is one in my office). These are some of the most cost-effective things to filter the air in your home/office. Their “Clean Air Delivery Rate” (CADR) is up to 400 CFM, which is about as good as $1000 HEPA filters, except that you can build one for <$100 in 30-ish mins.