The Advanced Membranes (AM) Lab focuses on membrane materials and processes with the aim of attaining breakthrough performance in molecular separations. Our mission is to design advanced membranes using polymers, nanomaterials, and biological materials to address global challenges with water scarcity, climate change, and the management of water and natural resources such as critical minerals.
Our work covers all aspects of separation science, including the synthesis and characterization of high-performance membranes, fundamental transport studies through model membrane materials, and lab-scale demonstrations and optimization of separations processes. This integrated approach combines elements of transport phenomena, surface science, polymer synthesis, polymer physics, and nanotechnology.
The AM Lab is a core member of the Institute for Water Innovation, and seeks to work with industrial partners to solve aqueous separations challenges. Potential collaborators and industrial partners are encouraged to reach out to the lab’s principal investigator, Prof. Jay Werber. For more information on our work, please see our Research page. If interested in joining the AM Lab, please see our Open Positions page.