Sima Zeinali Danalou

PhD Student
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
University of Toronto

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Ph.D. Student, Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto (2022-Current)
M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (2020-2022)
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran (2016-2020) 

Sima obtained her bachelor’s degree from the University of Tehran, Iran, in 2020, which provided a great foundation in Chemical Engineering. Her Master’s research project at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Lifeng Zhang, was on an interesting and challenging topic: “4D internal study of Wet Granulation dynamics using Synchrotron X-ray imaging”. The research was performed in collaboration with Canadian Light Source (CLS), using their state-of-the-art facilities. Being passionate about academic exploration, she joined Advance Membrane Lab under the supervision of Dr. Jay Werber in 2022, focusing on conducting advanced microscopy and 3D imaging techniques to assess and develop high-pressure RO membranes.