Dean Stipanic

Dean Stipanic

MASc Student
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
University of Toronto

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MASc Student, Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto (2021-Current)
Bachelor of Applied Science, Nanotechnology Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada (2016-2021)

Dean graduated from the University of Waterloo in April 2021 with a B.A.Sc. in Nanotechnology Engineering. During his undergrad, Dean gained experience in nanoparticle and polymer synthesis and characterization through positions at the Frank Gu Lab and Avro Life Sciences. He joined the Advanced Membranes Lab in September 2021 and is focusing on the development of novel membranes based on nanoparticles, focusing on applications in desalination and aqueous separations.

In his free time, Dean enjoys reading Sci-Fi novels, going on hikes and lounging in the sun with good company.