We are exploring different aspects of engineering education with a focus on the instruction of transdisciplinary competencies such as communication, team skills, leadership, entrepreneurship, global citizenship and lifelong and lifewide learning. Through these studies we seek to establish methodologies and evidence on engineering education, thereby guiding what to teach (content), how it is best taught (pedagogy), and how the teaching and learning should be measured (evaluation). Current research is examining lab-based learning, instructional technologies, metacognition and emotional intelligence.
Prof. Evans is also the director of the Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education & Practice (ISTEP). This extra-departmental unit within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering brings together the strengths of several U of T Engineering programs in leadership, technical communication and entrepreneurship.
- Burke, C., Romkey, L. Chong, A. Evans, G.J. “Cultivating disciplinary expectations for engineering education research in Canada”, Can J. Sci. Mat. Technol Edu. 20 87-97 2020 DOI:10.1007/s42330-020-00078-7 (2020)
- Evans, Greg, G. Allen, T Bender and W. Cluett “We Never Talk: Peer To Peer Observation And Formative Feedback As Steps To Evolving Academic Culture” Canadian Engineering Education Conference Toronto June 2017
- Sheridan P. K., Adam Goodman, Todd Murphy, Doug Reeve and Greg Evans “Behavioural Differences of High and Low Performing Teams: A Multi-institutional Study of First-year Engineering Design Teams” Canadian Engineering Education Conference Toronto June 2017
- Moozeh, K., Ibrahim, N., Rezaie, R., Astatke, Y., Metcalfe M., and Evans. G., 2018. “Alternative Approaches to Undergraduate Engineering Laboratory Experience for Low-income Nations.” American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Salt Lake City, U.S.A., June 24-27, 2018
- Evans G.J. and S. Jamieson “Metacognition and Lifelong Learning” Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Conference, Toronto Oct 2018