
  • Achievement through the pursuit of personal excellence;
  • Creation of fundamental and applied knowledge;
  • Continuous learning that supports the development of group members;
  • Integrity and quality in research;
  • Passion and excitement in the pursuit of knowledge;
  • Ideas and creative thinking furthering the evolution of scientific understanding;
  • Collegiality within a supportive, secure, and trusting community;
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration that enables new research directions;

We pursue our research with dedication and commitment so as to contribute knowledge and serve society.

Value Belief
Achievement Our desire to achieve will drive us to give our best. Recognizing our achievements will motivate us and help us track our progress.
Knowledge A thirst for knowledge will help us find and follow our path.
Learning We can grow through learning and learn to grow, so as to develop ourselves and others.
Integrity Research must stand upon a foundation of integrity and quality.
Passion We are most productive when we are energised by what we are doing.
Creativity We can promote our creativity by challenging assumptions, using different modes of thinking and taking different perspectives.
Risk and Innovation Progress in research needs a balance of bold and incremental steps.
Collaboration Collaboration will allow us to explore new opportunities for discoveries, many of which are at the interfaces between fields.
Collegiality and Community Collegiality is the foundation for collaboration and is built upon trust, support and respect. Fostering a supportive community will best enable our research and promote the growth and development of our members.
Service and Contribution By seeking to serve people and contribute to knowledge we will increase our positive impact on science or society.